Monday, November 22, 2004

You Might be a CAD Manager if...

You might be a CAD Manager if...'ve ever read an entire CAD User's Guide.

You might be a CAD Manager if...'ve ever made corrections to a CAD User's Guide.

You might be a CAD Manager if...'ve ever done a web search for "CAD Standard."

You might be a CAD Manager if...'ve ever done an ebay search for "CAD."

You might be a CAD Manager if... regularly use the word "user" as profanity.


Mistress of the Dorkness said...

hmm... I only got 5 out of 6, does that mean I haven't been fully assimilated?

these were funny, thanks. :)

Unknown said...

I'll say I've gotten all 6, just I didn't user the exact word "user" as a curse, just a more creative word referring to users that I won't repeat on this post! hahaha