Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Tulsa Area AutoCAD Civil User Group Meeting February 7, 2008

Passing on this information from Anita Nicely of TAACUG (Tulsa Area AutoCAD Civil Users Group):

Tulsa Area AutoCAD Civil User Group Meeting
Thursday, February 7th, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Event: Tulsa Area AutoCAD Civil User Group Meeting
Date: February 7th, 2008
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Place: Le Bistro Deli, Mall 31
Address: 5970 E 31st St, Suite J

You are invited to attend the February 2008 meeting of the Tulsa Area AutoCAD Civil User Group.

We will be discussing the results of the survey that we have been sending out.

If anyone has not clicked the hyperlink and taken the survey, please do so now:

The purpose of this meeting is to decide on a meeting place, time, day and week of month. What we want to accomplish with this group. What we want to focus on as a group.

Bring all of your ideas and experience. It’s important for everyone to attend, and be heard about the direction we want this group to follow.

Exit the Broken Arrow Expressway at Sheridan and 31st St., then go north 2 blocks to the intersection of 31st St. and Sheridan Rd. Turn left, or west, go approximately 1 block. The Shopping center is on the south side of 31st St. just west of Sheridan Rd.

Access for this meeting will be through the entrance on the north side in the middle of Mall 31, facing 31st Street.